The fifth of a regular series of columns which appear in the Plymouth, Mass., paper , the Old Colony Memorial and across the region. It discusses the people, places and events that led to the Mayflower voyage from an English perspective. The author’s novel Voices of the Mayflower; the saints, strangers and sly knaves who changed the world is out now.
Last month we took a detour to the ‘faire and beautiful’ of Leiden, the Dutch city where the pilgrims lived for 12 years. This month another fork in the trail, takes us to Harwich, an out of the way port on the east coast of England.
Queen Elizabeth 1 described it as a ‘pretty place that wants for nothing’ and for centuries it was busily building ships and breeding sailors - though this year it is celebrated for one ship and one sailor. The ship; the Mayflower, which was hired in June, 1620. The sailor; skipper Christopher Jones, a Harwich man born and bred.
Some heirs to the Mayflower story are adamant that the ship was built in Harwich and announced as much on CBS News in 2013. Furthermore, they claimed the momentous voyage had actually started there and announced that they would raise £2.5 million ($3,087) to build a replica of the Mayflower and sail it proudly across the Atlantic.
Plymouth, Devon, they insisted, was only a bit player in the drama, which it is really, but that broadside launched the battle of the ports, as the newspapers dubbed it.
I visited the enthusiasts’ workshop some years ago when I was thinking about writing my book and admired the sturdy section of keel which had been assembled but I couldn’t help feeling their ambition was not matched by the harsh reality of time and resources. And so it proved. Instead of an ocean-going vessel an 18 foot compromise was bolted together and today is kept on a truck trailer ready to be towed to public events as an exhibit.
“Sadly, there is no proof that the ship was built here,” says local historian Richard Oxborrow. “We do know that Jones owned a ship called the Josian, which has built in Harwich, and that he swapped it for a share in the Mayflower. It’s hard to understand why because the Josian was probably bigger, better and newer.”
What is undeniable is that Harwich has a significant sea-faring past. Three ships from the port joined in the rout of the Spanish Armada in 1588, Harwich sailor Christopher Newport skippered a ship on the first voyage to Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607 and for centuries Harwich built ships for the Royal Navy until work dried up and it became something of a backwater.
Nonetheless the spirit of the port’s favorite son lingers. His house still stands in Kings Head Street opposite the Alma Inn, once a fine mansion, where his first wife, 17-year-old Sara Twit lived.
Sara died in 1603 and Jones remarried a few months later to wealthy widow Josian Gray, who had inherited her late husband’s house round the corner in Church Street. It was perhaps with her money that he was able to afford the 240 ton ship which he named after her and begin to trade with continental ports such as La Rochelle and Bordeaux.
Together they had eight children yet Jones still found the time to become quite a player in Harwich Society. By his mid-thirties in 1604 he was named as a burgess in a new town charter granted by King James and was responsible for administering the Poor Relief as well as acting as a tax assessor. His reputation was tarnished in 1605 when he was accused of keeping hunting dogs, which only ‘gentlemen’ with enough land were allowed to do.
In about 1611, he moved to Rotherhithe, a mile downstream on the Thames from the Tower of London and it was there that he was buried in 1622, one year after he returned from the voyage.
Even so, gentleman or not, Harwich hopes to make the most of his part in the saga. His home, which is privately owned, is to be opened to the public and turned into a small museum.
And though Harwich is not quite the ‘pretty place’ which delighted Queen Elizabeth much of the old town exists, with the five principal streets running in the medieval pattern from south to north to the water’s edge and intersected by alleys. As many as 37 houses are standing though their Tudor exteriors were covered in the Georgian era and the house were Elizabeth is reputed to stay in 1561 is now a car park.
A new museum on matters Mayflower is due to open in an old Victorian school and a commemorative walk talks the visitor past the key sights. The 19th century Halfpenny Pier - so called because the entry fee was just that, half a penny - is reminder of the days when Harwich was a magnet for day trippers, and the scores of red and yellow buoys stacked by the docks and the lightships bobbing in the water attest to Harwich’s role as a center for maintaining lighthouses and safety at sea.
A gantry which had been built for the pre-war ferries still looms rustily over the quayside. In its lee a small plaque commemorates the arrival of the first of many ships carrying thousands of Jewish children fleeing Nazi persecution in 1938/9. Two hundred of the children on the Kinderstransporte, as it became known, were housed in a nearby holiday camp.
One more stop; the council offices, a stern red brick Victorian building in which hangs the charter awarded the town in 1604 by James 1.
The two dense pages of Latin empowered Harwich to form ‘a corporate body consisting of a mayor and common council, comprising eight aldermen (from whom the mayor was to be chosen annually).’
The words might ring a bell. The charter shares many of the sentiments in the covenant drawn up by the men on the Mayflower such as the preservation of laws and ordinances. For corporate body, read ‘civil body politic’ and just as the mayor faced re-election annually, so too Plymouth’s first governor.
The covenant was later seized on by some as the inspiration for the US constitution so let’s enjoy the idea of an English seafarer having a hand in its composition. Why not? The men met in his cabin and as skipper Jones was in charge of everyone on the ship. Maybe he gave them the benefit of his knowledge.
“It’s a nice idea,” says Mr Oxborrow, unconvinced. “True or not, we’re proud of him in Harwich.”
This month’s Wicked insult: Ninny lobcock.
Ninny; a foolish and weak person, a booby, doofus, dingbat. Lobcock; a stupid blundering person. It also has a ruder definition which I will leave to the reader to work out.
Info: Mayflower 400 and Historic Harwich.
Stay: the Pier Hotel. On the quayside, good food, view over the boats bobbing in the harbour.
Eat and drink: visitors should try the old pubs which Jones might have visited such as the Swan in King's Head Street and the Globe, King's Quay Street. The Alma Inn and Dining Rooms has a sign boasting that it ‘has been at the centre of Harwich life since the 1850s serving ale to the citizens, sailors, soldiers and farmers of the wind that passed through.’
Break out: take a train from London’s Liverpool Street, which chugs along the wide sweep of the estuary with its mudflats and wading birds, spend time exploring, then take the Stena Lines ferry to Delfshaven and from there a quick train journey to Leiden.
Next: Following Mayflower along the coast.
Richard Holledge’s book Voices of the Mayflower is out now.
The Jones house